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A2. Spend patterns

The Spend Patterns dashboard provides insights into various expense-related metrics and spending patterns within the organization.

Note: All expense amounts are expressed in Group Currency, and the leading date is the settlement date.


  • Number of expense reports: Measures the volume of settled expense reports submitted by users.

  • Average spend per report: Measures the average amount spent per expense report settled.

  • Average number of transactions per report: Measures the average number of transactions per expense report settled.

  • Average spend per transaction: Measures the average amount spent per transaction (for settled expense reports).

  • Average spend per user: Measures the average amount spent per user (for settled expense reports).

  • Average number of settled transactions per user: Measures the average number of settled transactions per user.


  • Typical Categories by Spend: Displays the settled amount spent in specific expense categories such as Accommodation/Hotels, Transportation, Food & Drink, Fuel, and Mileage.

  • Categorical Spend Insights: Provides insights into spending patterns and distributions across different expense categories.

  • Spend Analysis by Location: Analyzes spending patterns based on geographical distribution and location data.

  • Spend Range Analysis: Examines the distribution of expenses across different spend ranges and compares their trends over time.


  • The Spend Patterns dashboard helps finance professionals and expense managers understand and analyze spending patterns, identify top expense categories, track average spending per user and per report, monitor transaction metrics, and gain insights into location-based spending trends. It enables users to identify areas for cost control, optimize expense allocation, and make data-driven decisions to improve expense management within the organization.

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