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Scheduling emails

Insights provides a convenient feature that allows users to schedule automated email delivery of dashboards, insights, or reports. This scheduling functionality enables users to share relevant data and visualizations with stakeholders on a recurring basis.

Note that emails can be sent out to users that are not Insights users.

Here is a guide on how to schedule emails:

Step 1: Access the Scheduling Options

  1. Navigate to the dashboard, insight, or report that you want to schedule for email delivery.

  2. Click on the "Schedule emailing" (dashboards) or "Schedule export" (insights) option, typically located in the toolbar or menu of the dashboard or insight.

Step 2: Configure the Email Schedule

  1. Specify the recipients for the scheduled email. This can include specific users, groups, or email addresses.

  2. Choose the frequency of the email delivery. Options may include daily, weekly, monthly, or custom schedules.

  3. Set the desired start date and time for the scheduled email. Select any additional customization options, such as the email subject and message.

Step 3: Choose the Delivery Format

  1. Decide on the format in which the content will be delivered via email. This can include options such as PDF, Excel, CSV, or HTML.

  2. Select the appropriate format for the email delivery, considering the needs and preferences of the recipients.

  3. Save the schedule and confirm the email delivery settings.

  4. The scheduled email will be added to the system, and recipients will start receiving the scheduled content based on the specified frequency and start date.

Step 4: Manage and Modify Scheduled Emails (Optional)

  1. If needed, you can manage and modify the scheduled emails by accessing the scheduling settings.

  2. This includes options to update recipients, change the delivery frequency, adjust the delivery time, or cancel the schedule if no longer required.

A private overview of scheduled emails can be found in the Manage tab under Emailing dashboards

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