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How to upload an expense using OCR

OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, is a technology that automatically extracts relevant information from your expense files (such as receipts, invoices, and bills), eliminating the need for manual data entry. This feature is available on both the mobile and web versions of our application.

How to use OCR for Web?

  1. Log into MXP.

  2. On the dashboard, under "Create new transactions," select “Upload Receipt.”

  3. You can either upload a file or add an expense manually. To use OCR, choose “Upload file” or drag a file from your computer onto the screen.

    • Supported file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .pdf.

    • Once uploaded, OCR will capture the receipt details. Review and edit the extracted text as needed, or select “Reset” to revert to the original OCR results.

  4. Click “Edit full details” to make further changes or save the expense.

  5. Check the expense's compliance and then select “Save.”

  6. Find this expense under “My Transactions” to add it to a report and submit it for approval.

  7. Once submitted, you can relax and wait for your reimbursement!

Discover the benefits of OCR in the articles below:

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