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What is a datafeed?

πŸ’³ A datafeed in travel expense management is an automated stream of data from sources like corporate credit cards and travel booking systems into the expense management software. It includes transaction details and booking information, helping streamline expense tracking and management.

Key Points:

  1. PurposeπŸ’‘ : Automates the collection and integration of travel-related expense data.

  2. Sources πŸ’³ : Corporate credit cards, travel booking systems, and other financial systems.

  3. Content πŸ›‚ : Transaction details and booking information.

  4. Integration πŸ› οΈ : Automates data entry into the expense management software.

  5. Usage πŸ—ƒοΈ : Real-time tracking, reconciliation of corporate credit card statements, and policy compliance checks.


When an employee uses a corporate credit card to book a flight, transaction details are automatically sent via datafeed to the expense management system, streamlining expense tracking and reimbursement.


  • Efficiency: Reduces manual data entry.

  • Accuracy: Minimizes errors by automating data transfer.

  • Real-Time Tracking: Provides up-to-date expense information.

  • Compliance: Ensures expenses adhere to company policies.


To take advantage of the benefits of a data feed, please contact your Company’s Mobilexpense Administrator to explore the possibility of implementing and configuring a data feed. πŸ™‚

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