Date dimensions
This section of the product documentation provides an overview of the date dimensions available in the expense model. The platform offers a range of date dimensions that can be used to analyze and filter data. The following date dimensions are used:
Transaction Date:
This date represents the date on which a transaction occurred. It reflects the actual date when an expense was made or a transaction was recorded.
For example when buying goods and services this would be the date that is indicated on the receipt i.e. when the spender paid for the transaction.
Posting Date:
The posting date refers to the date when a transaction is officially recorded in the system.
For instance when the spender registered a receipt by OCR scanning or registering it manually.
Submission Date:
The submission date corresponds to the date when an expense report was submitted for approval or control (which ever comes first). It captures the date when the report or document entered the approval workflow.
For instance when the spender puts the bought items on the report and submits for approval to the supervisor.
A report can be submitted multiple times: after rejection, the report has to be corrected and needs to be submitted before it can be approved again.
(Report) Approval Date:
This date indicates the date on which an expense report was approved by the supervisor or anautomated process. It represents the date when the approval process was completed and the report received final approval.
Note: depending on the setup this step comes before or after the report control.
Item Approval Date:
Item approval date refers to the date when individual items within an expense report were approved. It captures the approval dates of specific line items within an expense report.
Note: This can differ from the default (the Report Approval date) when the report was partially approved:
a) some but items were approved and some were not handled or
b) some items were approved and some were rejected.
(Report) Control Date:
The control date represents the date when an expense report or financial report was subjected to control checks or audits.
It reflects the date when the control process was initiated or completed.
Note: depending on the setup this step comes before or after the report approval.
Item Control Date:
Item control date corresponds to the date when individual items within an expense report were subjected to control checks. It captures the control dates of specific line items within a larger report.
Note: This can differ from the default (the Report Control date) when the report was partially approved:
a) some but items were approved by the controller and some were not handled or
b) some items were approved by the controller and some were rejected.
(Report) Settlement Date:
The settlement date indicates the date when an expense report was marked for settlement. It represents the date when the financial transactions associated with the report were instructed.
Item Settlement Date:
Item settlement date refers to the date when individual items within an expense report were marked for settlement settled and payment instruction was made. It captures the settlement dates of specific line items within a report.