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This section of the product documentation provides information on how to utilize filtering functionalities within Insights. It covers various aspects, including filtering dashboards by attribute, or computed attribute, metrics, date range selection, dependent filters and special values.

Depending on the setting of the filter a single value or multiple values are available for selection.

About Private expenses: since private expenses are analyzed in a specific dashboard (A3), a default filtering out all private expenses has been set by default on all other dashboards.

Within a Date Range

The platform supports selecting a date range for filtering purposes.

  • The selected date range will interact with the configured dates within the insights, ensuring that data is filtered accordingly.

  • Note that the date range can be separately configured for each insight, allowing for flexibility in analyzing different datasets.

The date range filter can be configured in multiple ways, hereโ€™s how it affects the data: Filtering: Use of the Date Range filter

By attribute or computed attribute

Dashboards, Insights can be filtered based on attributes (the various dimensions of the expense model, such as company name or cost center), or computed attributes (such as expense range).

A special type of filtering can also be applied in the metrics section of the insight. Applying an attribute filter here will affect how these metrics will be aggregated.

By metric

Insights can be filtered based on the metrics they aggregate. These can be either metrics created from aggregating single facts or using facts directly as part of these metrics section in the insight.

Filter dependency

Some filters within dashboards are dependent on each other. For example, the selection of Cost Centers may depend on the selected Company (or entity names).

This ensures that the available filter options are contextually relevant and aligned with the data structure.

Special Values

The platform includes special values for filtering purposes.

  • The "All" value represents the case when no specific filter is selected, allowing for a broader view of the data.

  • The "(N/A)" value is used to filter on all absent values for a particular attribute, providing insights into missing or undefined data points.

  • The equivalent for not available dates will be โ€œ(empty)โ€, this means that the event did not occur yet.

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