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How are SpendCatcher and card transactions merged?

When you define a transaction in SpendCatcher as paid with a linked card (see How to match my expenses with my credit card ) MXP will merge the transaction with the card transaction, either when it arrives after you captured the receipt or if you are capturing the receipt after the card transaction is already in MXP.

For MXP to match the two, certain key information needs to be identical in both transactions:

  1. Amount

  2. Currency

  3. Location. Please note that the match requires a complete match, if one of the transactions is set as being carried out in a city and the other in a country they will not be matched(e.g. London and United Kingdom)

  4. Date

If all of the above match, we will merge the transactions and you will see a card transaction with a receipt that you have captured in SpendCatcher

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