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How to create an expense report

After creating expenses, the next step is to compile them into a report and submit it for approval. For a step-by-step guide on this process, refer to the article linked below.

To create an expense report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Expenses tab and select “My Transactions.”

  2. Choose the transactions to include in your report.

  3. Click the “Create Expense Report” button in the top right corner.

  1. If you want to add more expenses to an existing report, click “Add to Existing Report” and choose the report from the dropdown.

  1. A popup will appear asking you to name your new report and optionally link it to an existing Travel Request. Click the Save button to finalize.

  1. Your report is now created and ready for review. You'll first see a summary, followed by a list of all included transactions.

  1. If you wish, you may click on the Add a new Expense dropdown to add more transactions to your report.

  1. If you’d like to remove one or multiple transactions, simply select the transactions you’d like to remove and hit the Remove button.

  1. After reviewing or editing your report, you may:

    1. Close

    2. Cancel expense report

    3. Edit, to link it to a Travel Request

    4. Cross-charge (see below more details)

    5. Print

    6. Submit

    7. Save it as a draft


The Cross charge option opens a popup where you can distribute the costs of your expense report across multiple cost centers and/or projects. To allocate costs, select a cost center from the drop-down, specify the percentage of the total amount for that center, and click the + button.

For example, allocate 30% to “Department B” and 70% to “Main.” Once all costs are allocated, click the Confirm button to save your changes and proceed.


Once you’re done with all changes, hit the Submit button, confirm, and your new report will be submitted for approval, and added to your Reports list.


If you would like to discover how to perform several of the tasks related to an expense transaction, including how an expense report can be approved, kindly check the articles below:

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