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How to approve an expense report

  1. When an expense report has been submitted for your approval, from a supervisor perspective as you log in Mobilexpense you’ll see a little popup informing you, as well as a little red badge in the top navigation, next to the Approval tab. Click on View your pending approvals.

  1. And you’ll be taken to the Pending Approvals section, where you’ll see a list of all the expense reports waiting for your approval. Click on the report you’d like to review.

  1. When reviewing a report, you can add comments and reject transactions by unchecking them in the Transaction List. Press the Submit button to approve the checked transactions and reject the unchecked ones.

  2. Depending on your setup, a notification will usually be sent to the employee, and the expense report will proceed to the next stage in approval workflow, either to control or settlement.

If you would like to discover how to perform several of the tasks related to an expense transaction, including how an expense report can be approved, kindly check the articles below:

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