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How to create a mileage claim

Business mileage are defined as mileage that is driven between two places of work, permanent or temporary. Some of the types of trips that are considered business-related are: Traveling between your main job and a temporary work location. Traveling directly from your main job to a second job.

For more detail on how to create a mileage claim, please watch the video below, or follow the steps described within this article.

  1. First, select the Expenses tab, and then either click on "New mileage" in the sidebar navigation, or on the "Add Mileage" button in the dashboard.

  1. Then start by entering the main details. Enter here all the mandatory information (marked in blue) necessary in order to start the mileage process. The vehicle(s) and mileage rate(s) linked to your account can be selected through dropdown list.

  1. Depending on your setup, the fields you need to fill might differ from what’s shown in the screenshot. Your setup may also vary in allowing you to attach a supporting document, either by clicking “Upload new receipt” or dragging and dropping a file directly on the page.

  1. Complete the start and end points of your itinerary. On the right side of each location, there is a star icon to add an address to your favorites, making the process easier in the future.

  2. To add a step to your trip, simply click the “Add a new point” button.

  3. The “Return” button allows you to create a return journey in one click.

  4. Clicking on “Save itinerary“ will save the itinerary in the “Saved itineraries“ tab above, so you can re-use it later.

  5. Toggle the commuting option to indicate whether commuting has to be taken into account in the calculation of the amount you can claim.

  6. Once all the information is entered, click the “Calculate Mileage” button. The amount you can claim will then be displayed.

  7. Finally, click on one of the following options:

    1. Cancel: Cancel the entire mileage expense.

    2. Clear: Remove all details added so far to start over.

    3. Save: Save the mileage expense.

    4. Save & Create Similar Mileage: Save the current mileage expense and create a new one with the same information.

    5. Save Expense & Next: Save the current mileage expense and create a new one with no information.


To learn about mileage tasks, including creating an expense report, check the articles below. For more on compliant and legal mileage rates in your country, visit the Compliance Center.

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