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How to create an expense

Within this article you can find a quick and easy tutorial on how an expense can be created and saved, along with the written steps that are needed to be taken to successfully be able to create an expense.

How to create an expense-20240429-130833.gif

  1. First, select the Expenses tab, and then either click on "New Expenses" in the sidebar navigation, or on the "Add Expenses" button in the dashboard.

  2. Provide all the details of your expense in the New Expense form. Note that the highlighted fields in blue are mandatory information that you must fill in in order to submit your expense.

  3. Depending on your company settings, user policy, and chosen expense category, you may be required to fill in additional, optional, or mandatory fields (for example, attendees, or supplier information).
    Depending on your company’s settings, the VAT rate and amount can appear as well.

  1. Once you have filled in all the details, you can either:

    • Simply save the expense by clicking on the Save button. Note that saving an expense doesn't automatically submit it for you. Once you have saved an expense, you will need to insert it into an expense report, and submit that report.

    • Save the expense and insert it into an existing report (option available at customer request).

    • Save the expense & go to my transactions, hence be redirected to the main page of the section 2 of the Dashboard, where all the open and draft transactions can be found.

    • Last but not least, save the expense and create a similar expense directly. To do this, click on the arrow next to the Save button and select this option. This is particularly useful and will make your life a lot easier whenever you made the same expense on different dates for example! 


If you would like to discover how to perform several of the tasks related to an expense transaction, including how an expense report can be created, kindly check the articles below:

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